Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry Pastor, Alisa Williamson, has a passionate desire to see children come to the knowledge of Christ’s saving love. Every week there is age-appropriate classes for children that includes Nursery (birth-2), Little Sprouts (2-4), and Funday School (5-8). This is only made possible by a staff of dedicated volunteers, all of whom share Pastor Alisa’s vision and love for children. Our annual Vacation Bible School further reinforces these powerful teachings in an atmosphere of fun and excitement.
Selah, lead by Jodee Oliver, is a place where 9-13 year olds (tweens) can come and hear the Word of God in a safe and loving environment. We spend time learning and growing together and seeking God’s future for our lives. An annual Selah camp provides further opportunities for grow in a fun, yet contemplating environment. Click here for more information.

Teen Ministry
We know how important it is to experience the love of God first hand. It is in knowing the love of God that we will be able to overcome the schemes of the enemy and experience the abundant life that Jesus has provided for us. There are many opportunities to grow in your love relationship with your Creator and the ones He has created. Through hang times, outreaches both locally, nationally, and through out the world these opportunities can be realized.

At God’s Garden Preschool, children are introduced to elementary education, behavior and social skills, in an environment of Christ-centered values and Biblical teaching while working, playing and growing together. Click here for more information.

World Vision
The spring of 1986 Pastors John & Alisa went on a tour of the Holy Land. It was while flying over the towns and villages the realization came that people were in need of a shepherd, and a passion was born to see people, world-wide, come to know The Shepherd and be established in their local churches. Since that trip, people from the little town of Sturgis, have traveled throughout the world to Haiti, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Denmark, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, China, Philippines, Myanmar, Viet Nam and Albania. It is with servants hearts and attitudes they go, making themselves available to serve the leaders already established wherever they go.